Welcome to RISE School

RISE is an interactive online learning platform that will enable you to create long-lasting change in any and every area of your life.


Rosema Dzinaliza, Former Advisor Ministry of Education; Former Director of Civitas, B&H Sarejevo, EU

"I am impressed and thankful for I have had opportunity to view the content. Although your school system cannot be compared to ours in the Balkans, I think, as an educator, the idea is fantastic for the following reasons: Emotional intelligence has always been neglected in school systems and has never been attached to this life segment in the development of young people. This segment in personality development is extremely important, because young people form in personality during the period of education."

Course Curriculum

Resilience is Key!


    2. RISE Introduction- Hello, My name is Isre.

    3. How to use the R.I.S.E Online Course

    4. R.I.S.E: Resilience. Inspire. Self-Empower.

    5. Our North Star!

    6. Before we begin...lets find out a bit about you and resilience.

    7. First things first. A bit about your resilience.

    1. Check In.

    2. Resilience: Endurance with Direction

    3. Intro. to Resilience - The Importance of Resilience

    4. Intro. to Resilience - Defining Resilience

    5. Introduction to Resilience Quiz

    6. Isre Shares thoughts on RISE and Resilience

    7. Personality Quiz -Find out a bit more about myself.

    8. Building Resilience Techniques - Identifying Personal Strengths

    9. Building Resilience Techniques - Utilizing Support Networks

    10. Building Resilience Technique Quiz

    11. Practice I. Paragraph

    12. Practice I. Vocabulary

    13. Practice 1. No right or wrong answers....just your thoughts.

    14. Practice I. My Reflection - My Thoughts

    15. R.I.S.E Word Search

    16. Applying Resilience to our Daily Lives - Overcoming Setbacks

    17. Applying Resilience to our Daily Lives - Adapting to Change

    18. Applying Resilience to our Daily Lives - Setting and Pursuing Goals

    19. Applying Resilience to our Daily Lives - Quiz

    20. R.I.S.E Take a Break - Quick Match Cross Word

    21. Nurturing Resilience - Cultivating a Growth Mindset -

    22. Nurturing Resilience - Practicing Self-Care

    23. Nurturing Resilience - Seeking Help When Needed

    24. Nurturing Resilience Quiz

    25. Celebrating Resilience - Recognizing Personal Achievement

    26. Celebrating Resilience - Finding Gratitude in Tough Times

    27. Celebrating Resilience - Creating a Resilience Plan

    28. Celebrating Resilience Quiz

    29. High-level lesson - Video I. The 4 Keys

    30. 1. Graded quiz: a short assessment to help solidify learning.

    1. Control

    2. Control Your Emotions

    3. Practice II. Paragraph

    4. Practice II. Vocabulary

    5. Introduction to Emotions and Reason - The Metaphor of Emotions

    6. Introduction to Emotions and Reason - Understanding the influence of Actions on Emotions

    7. Introduction to Emotions and Reason Quiz

    8. Name Your Horses

    9. Introduction to Emotions and Reason - Exploring the Role of Aristotle and Plato

    10. Controlling Baser Emotions - Understanding Baser Emotions

    11. Controlling Baser Emotions - Exploring the Negative Impact

    12. Controlling Baser Emotions - Techniques for Managing

    13. Controlling Baser Emotions Quiz

    14. Nurturing Higher Based Emotions - Identifying Higher Based Emotions -

    15. Nurturing Higher Based Emotions - Exploring the Positive Impact

    16. Nurturing Higher Based Emotions - Strategies for Cultivating and Expressing

    17. Nurturing Higher Based Emotions Quiz

    18. The Power of Reason - Understanding the Role of Reason in Controlling Emotions

    19. The Power of Reason - Developing Emotional Control Techniques

    20. The Power of Reason - Controlling Your Emotions

    21. The Power of Reason Quiz

    22. Applying Emotional Control - Techniques to Real Life Situations

    23. Applying Emotional Control - Improving Decision - Making Skills

    24. Applying Emotional Control - Creating a Personal Action Plan

    25. Applying Emotional Control Quiz

    26. High-level lesson - Video II. Control Your Emotions

    27. Practice II. This graded quiz is a short assessment for you to help solidify the learning.

    28. Practice II. My Reflection

    29. Practice II. Extra Resources

    1. Action!

    2. Practice III. Vocabulary

    3. Practice III. Paragraph

    4. Practice III. My Reflection

    5. Mastering Emotions and Taking Control

    6. Mastering Emotions and Taking Control: Further Understanding our Emotions

    7. Mastering Emotions and Taking Control: Quiz

    8. Understanding the Power of Action

    9. Understanding the Power of Action - The Relationship Between Beliefs, Thoughts, Words, and Actions

    10. Understanding the Power of Action - Developing Habits and Values

    11. Understanding the Power of Action Quiz

    12. High-level lesson: Video III. In 3, 2, 1, Action.

    13. Practice III. This graded quiz is a short assessment for you to help solidify the learning.

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...a short message from our founder.

    2. Doing!

    3. Executing Knowledge: Turning Power into Action

    4. Executing Knowledge: Turning Power into Action - Exploring the power of action

    5. Executing Knowledge: Turning Power into Action - Introduction to Knowledge and Action

    6. Executing Knowledge: Turning Power into Action Quiz

    7. Practice IV. Paragraph

    8. Applying Knowledge Effectively

    9. Applying Knowledge Effectively - Developing Problem Solving Skills

    10. Applying Knowledge Effectively - Using Critical Thinking in Decision-Making

    11. Applying Knowledge Effectively Quiz

    12. Practice IV. Vocabulary

    13. Overcoming Obstacles - Overcoming Obstacles and Taking Action

    14. Overcoming Obstacles - Building Resilience and Perseverance

    15. Overcoming Obstacles - Developing Strategies to Overcome Procrstination

    16. Overcoming Obstacles Quiz

    17. High Level Lesson: Video IV. Knowing v. Doing

    18. Practice IV. My Reflection, Knowing v. Doing

    19. Practice IV. This graded quiz is a short assessment for you to help solidify the learning.

    1. Just Do It!

    2. Practice V. Deciding-is-not-Doing

    3. A few final thoughts about finishing Module 1 from our instructor:

    4. Practice V. Vocabulary

    5. Practice V. My Reflection, Deciding is NOT Doing

    6. High Level Lesson: Video V. Deciding-is-not-Doing

    7. The Power of Taking Action - Differentiating between intentions and actions

    8. Differentiating between Intentions and Actions Quiz

    9. The Power of Taking Action - Overcoming fear and procrastination

    10. Overcoming Fear and Procrastination Quiz

    11. The Power of Taking Action - Building Habits for Success

    12. Practice V. This graded quiz is a short assessment for you to help solidify the learning.

    13. The Mindset of a Champion - Embracing Challenges and Setbacks

    14. The Mindset of a Champion - Setting and Achieving Goals

    15. Mindset of a Champion Quiz

    16. Setting and Achieving Goals Quiz

    17. Boldness and Creativity in Problem Solving - Thinking Outside the Box

    18. Thinking Outside the Box Quiz

    19. Boldness and Creativity in Problem Solving - Taking Calculated Risks

    20. Taking Calculated Risks Quiz

    21. Boldness and Creativity in Problem-Solving - Unleash Your Creativity

    22. Unleash Your Creativity Quiz

    23. Bringing Dreams to Life - Setting Goals and Creating an Action Plan

    24. Bringing Dreams to Life - Overcoming Obstacles and Staying Motivated

    25. Bringing Dreams to Life - Overcoming Obstacles and Staying Motivated

    26. Building Resilience and Grit - Celebrating Success and Learning from Failure

    27. Building Resilience and Grit Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 165 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content